Automatic logon without name or password (9x)
This setting allows Windows clients to logon without entering a user name or password, therefore bypassing the logo box. Create the string value Default Password, under Winlogon (see key below). Modify the Default Password's data to match the default users password. The default username is stored at:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Network\Logon]-Username
Reboot and the system should automatically logon.
NOTE: The password is stored in clear text.
Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
Value Name: Default Password
Data: REG_SZ
Prevent a Windows logon prompt at startup
Windows XP
Control Panel>User Accounts>Change an account
Do not enter a password
Windows 2000
Control Panel>System>Network Identification>Network ID>Next>This computer is for home use...>Next>Windows
always assumes the following user has logged on to this computer (enter no password)>Next>Finish
Windows 9x
1. Do not Clear last user at logon
If you didn't check Clear last user at logon, go to step 2. Either use TweakUI's Paranoia tab and uncheck Clear Last User a logon.Or go toHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, delete all the
named values, except DontDisplayLastUserName, and set it to zero.
2. Remove password
a) If you don't have a password, go to step 3
b) If you don't know your current logon password
Delete the .pwl file from the c:\windows folder
Delete the equivalent entry from c:\windows\system.ini [Password Lists]
c) If you know your current password
Control Panel>Passwords>Change Passwords>Change Windows Password
Type current password in the Old Password box
Leave the New Password and Confirm New Password boxes blank
Click OK>OK
3. User profile
Control Panel>Passwords>User Profile
Select All users of this PC use the same preferences and desktop settings
Click Close
4. Network
Control Panel>Network>Configuration
Ensure Microsoft Family Logon is installed and that it is the Primary Network
(Use client for Microsoft Networks if you're on a LAN)
5. Reboot
When asked for a username and password, enter a username and hit Enter
Hit Enter to confirm the blank password
You'll never be asked for your password again
Delete your screen saver password if you forgot it (98)
Go into DOS and type edit control.ini. Look for a line PWProtected=1 : Change it so it says PWProtected=0
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এখন বিনোদন আর টিপস পাবেন একষাথে এক সাইটে-
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
send Free SMS from A PC to Mobile
Yea, here you can get a solution how to sent Free SMS from A PC to Mobile.
Today I say about WADJA.
I am telling step by step.
1. Write your WADJA ID. It is very important. Because when sent SMS somebody, this ID will be show there mobile. It must be 4 to 10 words.
2. Write your First Name
3. Write your Last Name
4. After than write your email Address
5. Give a password for next time Log in.
6. Select your Country Name
7. Write your Birthday like there direction
8. Select your Gender And
9. Click Join Wadja Button.
10. If you get real information, your Sign Up will be success. Now you can see your WADJA-Page. Here you find out Compose option. And click Compose.
11. Now you can see compose page.
12. Write your desired mobile Number with country code. And write your SMS maximum 160 words.
13. Click Send option for sent SMS
14. you can see deliver report click Deliver option.
So friends, enjoy free SMS with Wadja. If feel any problem for this purpose. You can write me without any hesitation.
Today I say about WADJA.
I am telling step by step.
1. Write your WADJA ID. It is very important. Because when sent SMS somebody, this ID will be show there mobile. It must be 4 to 10 words.
2. Write your First Name
3. Write your Last Name
4. After than write your email Address
5. Give a password for next time Log in.
6. Select your Country Name
7. Write your Birthday like there direction
8. Select your Gender And
9. Click Join Wadja Button.
10. If you get real information, your Sign Up will be success. Now you can see your WADJA-Page. Here you find out Compose option. And click Compose.
11. Now you can see compose page.
12. Write your desired mobile Number with country code. And write your SMS maximum 160 words.
13. Click Send option for sent SMS
14. you can see deliver report click Deliver option.
So friends, enjoy free SMS with Wadja. If feel any problem for this purpose. You can write me without any hesitation.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Windows: Desktop
Make the background of desktop icons transparent (XP)
Control Panel > System > Advanced > {Performance} Settings.
On the Visual Effects tab, check Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop.
Restore My Documents folder if deleted (98)
To restore My Documents to the Desktop, click Start, then Run, and type:rundll32 mydocs.dll, RestoreMyDocsFolder
Remove shortcut icon arrows
Go to [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\LNKFILE], and delete IsShortcut
Go to [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PIFFILE], and delete IsShortcut
Change My Computer's Icon
Windows 98: Control Panel > Display > Appearance
Windows XP: Control Panel > Display > Desktop > Customize Desktop
Hide Icon
Hide all Desktop icons (9x/XP)
NoDesktop (DWORD value):
Set to 1 to hide all icons.
Delete NoDesktop to undo.
Hit F5 to refresh the desktop.
Hide Network Neighborhood, My Network Places (9x)
Run Poledit.exe (You may have to install it: It is on your Windows CD in\tools\reskit\netadmin\poledit).
File > Open Registry > (double click) Local User > Shell > Restrictions
Check Hide Network Neighborhood or/and My Network Places
OK > File > Save
Hide My Documents, My Computer, My Network Places, Internet Explorer (XP)
Right-click on the desktop, then click Properties > Desktop > Customize Desktop
Hide My Computer (9x/XP)
Create a transparent icon or create a bmp file that consists of a single pixel.
In Display properties effects, change the My Computer icon to point at your new icon.
Rename My Computer to one space.
Add and remove item types from the New Menu
Add Item Types
When you right-click on your desktop, there is a New submenu that contains a list of templates. A template is visible
if the related entry in the [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT] hive associated with a file extension has a sub-key called
For example, on the New submenu there is an entry for Text Document. This entry is visible because of the key [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt\ShellNew]. Create a blank document of the corresponding application, and put it into the Windows\ShellNew Folder. Go to that file type under [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT], create a subkey named ShellNew and create the string-value File Name in it. Change this string's value to the blank document's filename.
Ex: [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.wav\ShellNew\FileName], and FileName's value = "sndrec.wav".
Remove Item Types
Read Add Item Types, and delete or rename the subkey named ShellNew. Hit F5 to update the items in the New
Save color scheme
Export [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Appearance\Schemes\{Name of Scheme}]
Create tool tips for desktop icons.
Search the registry for keys with the name Info Tip. You may replace the descriptions and you may add Info Tip keys
for other Class-IDs.
Create a button to Reboot Windows XP
To create a reboot icon on your desktop: Right click on an open area of the desktop Select New/Shortcut Enter in
"shutdown -r -t 00" - no quotes Press Next For the name, enter Reboot or anything you like.
Click Finish.
Remove Shortcut arrow from Desktop icons
Here's how you can remove those shortcut arrows from your desktop icons in Windows XP. Start regedit. Navigate
to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfile Delete the IsShortcut registry value. You may need to restart Windows XP
The Help
Make the background of desktop icons transparent (XP)
Control Panel > System > Advanced > {Performance} Settings.
On the Visual Effects tab, check Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop.
Restore My Documents folder if deleted (98)
To restore My Documents to the Desktop, click Start, then Run, and type:rundll32 mydocs.dll, RestoreMyDocsFolder
Remove shortcut icon arrows
Go to [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\LNKFILE], and delete IsShortcut
Go to [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PIFFILE], and delete IsShortcut
Change My Computer's Icon
Windows 98: Control Panel > Display > Appearance
Windows XP: Control Panel > Display > Desktop > Customize Desktop
Hide Icon
Hide all Desktop icons (9x/XP)
NoDesktop (DWORD value):
Set to 1 to hide all icons.
Delete NoDesktop to undo.
Hit F5 to refresh the desktop.
Hide Network Neighborhood, My Network Places (9x)
Run Poledit.exe (You may have to install it: It is on your Windows CD in\tools\reskit\netadmin\poledit).
File > Open Registry > (double click) Local User > Shell > Restrictions
Check Hide Network Neighborhood or/and My Network Places
OK > File > Save
Hide My Documents, My Computer, My Network Places, Internet Explorer (XP)
Right-click on the desktop, then click Properties > Desktop > Customize Desktop
Hide My Computer (9x/XP)
Create a transparent icon or create a bmp file that consists of a single pixel.
In Display properties effects, change the My Computer icon to point at your new icon.
Rename My Computer to one space.
Add and remove item types from the New Menu
Add Item Types
When you right-click on your desktop, there is a New submenu that contains a list of templates. A template is visible
if the related entry in the [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT] hive associated with a file extension has a sub-key called
For example, on the New submenu there is an entry for Text Document. This entry is visible because of the key [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt\ShellNew]. Create a blank document of the corresponding application, and put it into the Windows\ShellNew Folder. Go to that file type under [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT], create a subkey named ShellNew and create the string-value File Name in it. Change this string's value to the blank document's filename.
Ex: [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.wav\ShellNew\FileName], and FileName's value = "sndrec.wav".
Remove Item Types
Read Add Item Types, and delete or rename the subkey named ShellNew. Hit F5 to update the items in the New
Save color scheme
Export [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Appearance\Schemes\{Name of Scheme}]
Create tool tips for desktop icons.
Search the registry for keys with the name Info Tip. You may replace the descriptions and you may add Info Tip keys
for other Class-IDs.
Create a button to Reboot Windows XP
To create a reboot icon on your desktop: Right click on an open area of the desktop Select New/Shortcut Enter in
"shutdown -r -t 00" - no quotes Press Next For the name, enter Reboot or anything you like.
Click Finish.
Remove Shortcut arrow from Desktop icons
Here's how you can remove those shortcut arrows from your desktop icons in Windows XP. Start regedit. Navigate
to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfile Delete the IsShortcut registry value. You may need to restart Windows XP
The Help
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